I am a Ritual Keeper.
I gather people together with rituals, ceremony and all things sacred, transforming mundane into sublime.
I am an Intuitive Gatherer.
I naturally connect resonant creatives and change-makers together in synchronistic ways for our individual and collective growth and expansion.

I am a Flower Whisperer.
I translate the language of flowers. Having worked with flower essences for almost twenty years, I tap into that quality within each retreat place beforehand to collect local flowers from the area. If you are attracted to a particular place, the local flora of the place possess a special wisdom and specific messages for you and your awakening.

I am an Earth Alchemist.
I seek out luscious ingredients from mother nature to elicit powerful six-sensory experiences, whether it’s drink recipes, essential oil blends or yummy self-care to help us tune into our own power by reconnecting with the the Earth.
I am a Devoted Meditator.
I met my Tibetan meditation teachers shortly after discovering flower essences, inspiring me to make mindful-awareness a way of life. I spent time in India studying meditation practices with HH the Dalai Lama, HH the Karmapa and Ayang Rinpoche, forever changing me, helping me realize the impermanence of life.
I am a World Traveler.
I've traveled and lived in 20 countries. I speak fluent Spanish + German, conversational Mandarin and a smattering of phrases in other languages. Lately I am most drawn to Asia, which feels like home to me.
I am an Unwavering Visionary.
As founder of LOTUSWEI and author of Flowerevolution, I’ve expanded our vision and offerings for the last two decades. In the beginning it was flower elixirs, evolving into aromatherapy, spa + hospitality products, writing a book, designing a flower card deck and hosting 16 Flowerlounge events in three countries. Now, we’re expanding to Retreats.
I am an Observant Weaver.
I notice people with special gifts and thread them together in ways that inspire wild collaborations, creative projects and a family-like atmosphere.
I am a Bold Manifestor.
I want to live in a world where all of us experience the freedom and courage to be the biggest, wildest, most powerful versions of ourselves. I want us to create more spaciousness in our lives - to allow for more ‘being’ and discovering who we really are - and who we’re evolving into.
I am a Change-Maker.
Rather than escape life with a vacation and come back to the same old grind and habitual patterns, I love the idea of gaining insights and practices that can be implemented immediately to shift our lives in a very real way. My wish has always been to accelerate awakening into our full potential.
Our retreats provide the tools and practices to do just that. Gathering in intimate groups with pure motivation catalyzes an alchemy that is absolute magic - accelerating expansion in a way that’s effortless, nourishing and fun.
Who are YOU? I can't wait to meet you - and experience your gifts.
Love + flower petals,